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Telogis.GeoBase.Routing Namespace

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The Telogis.GeoBase.Routing namespace provides types to create, query and optimize routes.

A Route, implemented with the IRoute interface, is constructed from a series of RouteStops. Use a Route object to generate Directions, and retrieve OptimizedStops via the OptimizeResult class.

Optimization of routes is controlled with the RoutingStrategy. GeoBase provides RoutingStrategyFastest (which calculates the fastest route between route stops), RoutingStrategyShortest (which calculates the shortest route between route stops), and RoutingStrategyForPedestrian (which calculates the optimal route for a pedestrian). The routing strategy can be customized using the RouteCustomCostFunc delegate.

Use the RouteMatrix and MultiThreadMatrix classes to provide a quick and efficient means of calculating times and distances between a matrix of RouteStops.

More information:

See the Routing Concept which can be found in the GeoBase | Common Concepts section of this help guide.

There are also a number of routing tutorials in the GeoBase | Routing Tutorial section of this help guide.

Public classArrivalMovement
A movement that occurs on arrival at the destination.
Public classAsyncDirectionsEventArgs
Provides information associated with an AsyncDirectionsEvent.
Public classConstraintLinks
A class used to describe the constraints along links.
Public classCustomRoutingInfo
CustomRoutingInfo is provided to a RouteCustomCostFunc to aid in adjusting the cost of traveling on a particular link. It contains information about the link to be evaluated.
Public classDepartureMovement
Public classDirection
Abstract base class representing a driving direction (instruction) in a route. The direction may be either a Note or a Movement.
Public classDirectionLink
A DirectionLink represents a portion of a route that goes between two choice points (such as intersections). DirectionLink objects form a linked list that can be accessed from a Directions object by calling the GetDirectionLinks method.
Public classDirections
A driving route through a number of stops.
Public classDirectionsFactory
A DirectionsFactory is used to generate Directions from an array of LatLons, which would have, typically, been created outside of GeoBase. This is useful for when third party routing engines are employed.
Public classDistanceValue
A class to describe a distance and its associated unit system.
Public classFerryMovement
A movement that occurs when embarking/disembarking a ferry.
Public classFFRampMovement
Freeway to freeway ramp movement - occurs when moving from one freeway to another.
Public classFreewayEndsNote
A Note informing that the freeway ends.
Public classFSRampMovement
Freeway to surface ramp movement
Public classMovement
A driving direction that instructs the driver to turn at an intersection.
Public classMovementInfo
A class used to provide information about a movement.
Public classMovementRenderer
Used to display an arrow on a map indicating the flow of the movement.
Public classMovementTag
A tagged object that can be added by the client application. Movement tags can be added to any Movement along the route.
Public classCode exampleMultiThreadMatrix
Provides functionality similar to RouteMatrix, but with the added benefit of being able to specify the number of threads to be used; ideal for multi-core systems working with large matrices. When the matrix is instantiated, the whole matrix is calculated in one go. Using persist provides the option to save the results to disk for faster, subsequent, data retrieval.
Public classNameChangeNote
A Note informing that the link name has changed.
Public classNoOptimalSolutionException
Thrown when no optimal solution can be found by OptimizeStops.
Public classNote
An incidental note that doesn't affect the route but provides information to assist the driver in navigating the route (such as street name changes).
Public classNotFoundInHeapException
This exception is thrown when an intersection can't be found in the route's heap.
Public classOptimizedStop
Describes an optimized route stop.
Public classOptimizeResult
A class used to determine if the time windows on a route can be achieved.
Public classRampMovement
An abstract class detailing freeway ramp movements- Geobase provides three sub-classes of this: FFRampMovement, FSRampMovement, and SFRampMovement.
Public classRoundAboutMovement
A movement for a traffic circle.
Public classRoute
A Route consists of a series of RouteStops. The Route can generate point to point directions and optimize multi-stop routes.
Public classRouteBusyException
Thrown when a Route or RouteMatrix object attempts to make an invalid combination of calls simultaneously, in order to prevent unspecified behavior.
Public classRouteFlag
Represents a set of flags for a StreetLink. These flags include access restrictions, the legal speed limit, and the link type.
Public classRouteHighlightData
A class used to provide data about a route highlight, which displays the most likely route that was taken, based on a series of RouteStops.
Public classRouteMatrix
RouteMatrix maintains a cost matrix calculated from a set of RouteStops. Due to enconomies-of-scale benefits, a RouteMatrix provides a quick and efficient means of calculating times and distances between a number of RouteStops.
Public classRouteNotFoundException
Thrown when a route cannot be found between given locations
Public classRoutingProfile
Used to determine the speed profile (based on functional class and speed category) when routing. See remarks.
Public classRoutingStrategy
A collection of routing settings that can be used to control routing priorities. Can be set per route or per link.
Public classCode exampleRoutingStrategyFastest
A RoutingStrategy which calculates the fastest route between RouteStops.
Public classCode exampleRoutingStrategyForPedestrian
A RoutingStrategy that calculates the shortest route between RouteStops.
Public classCode exampleRoutingStrategyShortest
A RoutingStrategy that calculates the shortest route between RouteStops.
Public classSFRampMovement
Surface to freeway ramp movement.
Public classSpeedLimitTable
Represents a table of speed limits associated with a given GBFS file. This is a mapping from SpeedCat (speed category) to Speed.
Public classSplitMovement
A movement describing how to maneuver a split road.
Public classStateChangesNote
A Note informing that the state line is being crossed.
Public classStreetNameDetails
Represents the various names that a street can have.
Public classTollwayBeginsNote
A Note informing that the tollway begins.
Public classTollwayEndsNote
A Note informing that the tollway ends.
Public classTurnMovement
A movement describing how to maneuver at a turn.
Public classWayPointNote
A Note informing that a waypoint is ahead.
Public structureConditionBlock
Describes a single constraint condition belonging to a ConstraintLinks object.
Public structureLinkCost
A structure representing the cost of traversing a link or a set of links in a route.
Public structureLoadElementType
Summarizes the type and weight of one load element
Public structureCode exampleVehicleSpec
Used to describe a vehicle's specifications.
Public interfaceIAsyncDirectionsHandler
Handles updates to the Directions object.
Public interfaceIRoute
Provides a common interface that all Route implementations implement.
Public interfaceIRouteMatrix

Classes that implement this interface perform routing calculations on a matrix of RouteStop objects.

See RouteMatrix and MultiThreadMatrix.

Public delegateKeyAccessPredicate
A predicate that instructs the routing engine whether or not a key access constraint should be ignored.
Public delegateRouteCustomCostFunc
A function that can evaluate information about a link and return an additional cost for travel on that link.
Public delegateRouteProgress
Returns calculation progress as a percentage during a route operation.
Public enumerationConstrainedVehicle
Used to describe the type of a ConstrainedVehicle
Public enumerationConstraintBlockType
Used to describe the blockType, which defines the type of constraint that is on a link. If there is a MultiLink constraint, then the constraint applies for the path that traverses all of the links referenced in the MultiLink constraint block. The ConstraintBlockType determines the interpretation of the blockValue.
Public enumerationConstraintLinkDirection
Describes the direction of travel along a street link. Each street link has a reference end and a non-reference end.
Public enumerationDirectionCompassDirection
An enumeration of points on a compass
Public enumerationLoadType
Describes a load carried by a vehicle. Hazardous loads should be categorized using a HAZMAT category (such as Hazmat_1).
Public enumerationMovementType
Describes the type of movement that a direction encompasses.
Public enumerationNoteType
Used to define the type of a Note.
Public enumerationRoadCrossingBehavior
The permitted type of road crossing behavior.
Public enumerationRoundAboutTurnDirection
A direction of movement through a traffic circle.
Public enumerationRouteCostUnits
The cost units used for a given route strategy.
Public enumerationRouteIndex
Describes the type of street index available.
Public enumerationRouteStopWindowViolation
Describes the time window violation of a given stop on an optimized route.
Public enumerationSpeedLimitSource
Describes the source of speed limit data for this link.
Public enumerationVehicleType
Describes a type of vehicle