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IStructuredAddressData Interface

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An interface which inherits IAddressData. IStructuredAddressData represents an address that has been fully structured and allows specific details of the address to be stored and retrieved. This is used to represent the address input into a Drill Down Geocoder. IStructuredAddressData also represents the resulting addresses found by any form of GeoCoding.

Namespace:  Telogis.GeoBase.Addresses
Assembly: (in Version:
public interface IStructuredAddressData : IAddressData, 

The IStructuredAddressData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBuilding
Gets Building name.
Public propertyCity
Gets the city name.
Public propertyCountry
Gets the Country country of the address.
(Inherited from IAddressData.)
Public propertyCounty
Gets the county name.
Public propertyFields
Returns a list of field names that can be accessed on this IAddressData.
(Inherited from IAddressData.)
Public propertyJSONName
Gets the JSONName of the object.
(Inherited from IJSONSerializable.)
Public propertyLocalizedUnits
Gets the units types and numbers as a preformatted string.
Public propertyLocation
Gets the LatLon location of the address.
(Inherited from IAddressData.)
Public propertyMaxStreetNumber
Gets the maximum house number on this street.
Public propertyMinStreetNumber
Gets the minimum house number on this street.
Public propertyPostCode
Gets the postcode.
Public propertyRegions
Gets the region names.
Public propertyState
Gets the state name.
Public propertyStreetNames
Gets all of the names of this street. The primary street name is the first element of the array.
Public propertyStreetNumber
Gets the street number.
Public propertySubregions
Gets the subregion names.
Public propertySuburb
Gets the suburb name.
Public propertyUnit Obsolete.
Gets the unit number as a string.
Public propertyUnits
Gets the unit types and corresponding unit numbers as AddressUnit objects. E.g. "Floor 2, Building 3".
Public methodFromJSON
Initializes an object from its corresponding JSONObject source data.
(Inherited from IJSONSerializable.)
Public methodGetT
Gets the value from the specified fieldName.
(Inherited from IAddressData.)
Public methodGetOtherCulture
Gets this IStructuredAddressData with a different culture.
Public methodToJSON
Gets the JSONObject representation of the object.
(Inherited from IJSONSerializable.)
DrillDownGeoCoder geocoder = new DrillDownGeoCoder(Country.USA);
RegionSearchResult result = geocoder.GetRegions(0, "California");
result = result.Results[0].GetRegions(1, "Los Angeles");
StreetSearchResult streetsResult = result.Results[0].GetStreets("Banson St");

IGeocodeResult geocodeAddress = streetsResult.Results[0].ToGeocodeResult();
IStructuredAddressData foundAddress = geocodeAddress.FoundAddress;
IStructuredAddressData rawAddress = geocodeAddress.RawAddress;
See Also