Telogis.GeoBase.Canvas.Shapes.PolyLine | ![]() |
PolyLine inherits from Canvas.Shapes.AbstractShape.
Represents a polyline between a collection of arbitrary points, as displayed in a Canvas renderer. This should not be constructed explicitly, but rather generated as the result of a call to Canvas.polyline.
Name | Description |
PolyLine(canvas) | Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
closed | Boolean | Whether a line segment should be drawn between the last point in the polyline and the first. |
points | Array | The list of either pixel coordinates or LatLons which, when joined in this order, represent the polyline. Pixels are specified relative to the upper-left corner of the canvas area. Due to path simplification, a path defined with LatLons cannot be closed. |
StrokeLineCap | String | Specifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked. Values can be 'miter', 'round' or 'square'. |
StrokeLineJoin | String | Specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths or basic shapes when they are stroked. Values can be 'miter', 'round' or 'bevel'. |