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GeoStream CAM (Style) Files

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GeoStream CAM (Style) Files

CAM files are created by the Verizon Connect GeoBase WorkBench tool (or by hand, using a text-editor) and define how the map, and features on the map, are drawn.

You would typically use a CAM file to display custom data (such as your own POIs) that you are importing into your own GBFS data files, or to modify the default GeoBase style (for example to change fonts, colors and widths of roads).

To learn more about the Chameleon language and CAM files see the Chameleon Custom Map Styles topic.

Note Note

To use custom styles you must have a Chameleon license. For more information about Chameleon licenses, limitations and pricing, contact GeoBase support at A member of the GeoBase support team will be glad to assist you.

Server-Side Configuration

Place your CAM files in the following directory:

  • C:\Program Files\Telogis\GeoBase\GeoStream\server\Bin\styles

If the styles directory doesn't exist, create it.

Then, clear the GeoStream cache. Do this by deleting the contents of the following directory:

  • C:\GeoStreamCache

Setting the default MapStyle

As an option, you may set the default MapStyle that the server uses by specifying a .cam, or .ecm file. Note, however, that even when the default MapStyle is set, MapStyles can still be overridden via style parameters within a client request.

You can set the default MapStyle by adding the DefaultStyle key/value pair inside the <appSettings> element of the Web.config file. The format is as shown below:

  <add key="DefaultStyle" value="filename" />


  • change 'filename' above to the full file name of the style file, including the extension (.cam, .ecm)
  • if a file is not specified, the server uses the internal default style
  • if the file does not exist, the server uses the internal default style
Client-Side Configuration

Now that the server has access to your custom style files, each of your GeoStream web applications should be configured to use a chosen style file.

Replace <CAMfileName> in each of the following code snippets with the name of the desired CAM file that you placed in the style directory earlier.

Note Note

When replacing <CAMFileName>, do not include the '.cam' extension.

Using a JavaScript client (version 3.0 or higher):

Maps.mainTiles = new TileLayer ({
        map: Maps.main, 
        tileConfig: {
            args: { 's': '<CAMfileName>' }, 
            satellite: true },
        transitionConfig: {stepCount: 1}

Using a JavaScript client (version 2.8 or lower):

        new TileLayer(
            framework.settings["telogis.geobase.serviceUrl"] + "tile.aspx?s=<CAMfileName>&")