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Widgets Namespace

Contains all widgets and widget-related functions for the JavaScript GeoStream API. This also acts as a global hash for all instantiated derivations of MapLayers.AbstractLayer, so that if a reference is not kept to such an object, it can be accessed like so:

var Widgets = Telogis.GeoBase.Widgets;
var Map     = Telogis.GeoBase.Widgets.Map;

new Map ({id: 'main_map'});
var map = Widgets ['main_map'];
Widgets.AbstractWidgetA class from which elements such as maps and map controls are derived.
Widgets.DockA map widget designed to contain others, such as a slider and scale, to neatly dock them against one edge of the map.
Widgets.DockSkinA near-trivial skin wrapper describing the customizable appearance of a Widgets.Dock. Since such a dock is skinned merely by an unsized background image and a border style, it is not necessary to wait for this skin to load before use.
Widgets.MapRepresents a displayed map on the page -- the main component of the GeoStream mapping framework. A MapLayers.TileLayer is implicitly created with the map; other layers can be constructed later. All layers belonging to the map can be accessed by subscripting the map variable with their IDs, like so:
var Map         = Telogis.GeoBase.Widgets.Map;
var ObjectLayer = Telogis.GeoBase.MapLayers.ObjectLayer;

var map = new Map ({id: 'main_map'});
new ObjectLayer ({id: 'pin_layer', map: map});

var layer = map ['pin_layer'];
Widgets.MapControlAn abstract skinnable map widget.
Widgets.ScaleA widget to show the distances represented by a map.
Widgets.ScaleSkinA simple class that combines all the information describing the appearance of a map-scale widget, and can be used to theme map-scales reasonably painlessly.
Widgets.SliderA skinnable widget used to control zoom levels on a map.
Widgets.SliderSkinA small class collecting all the customizable appearance information for a zoom / slider map control and presenting some simple methods to help apply it.