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RoutingStrategy Class

Describes a set of constraints to which the routing engine should adhere when calculating a route.

// Create a strategy that allows u-turns, road crossings and travel along toll roads.
var myStrategy = new Telogis.GeoBase.Routing.RoutingStrategy({
    allowUTurns: true,
    extraProcessingRatio: 1,
    roadCrossingBehavior: 'Telogis.GeoBase.Routing.RoadCrossingBehavior.ALLOWED',
    // ALLOWED is the default. Alternative options are 'DISCOURAGED' and 'FORBIDDEN'
    useTollRoads: true

// Create a route
var myRoute = new Telogis.GeoBase.Routing.Route();

// Apply the strategy to the route


  • (Optional)config (Object) - Configuration properties for the new Routing.RoutingStrategy, all of which can be specified after construction by calling the appropriate set* methods. Defaults to {}.


    Whether the routing engine is allowed to construct U-turn instructions in route directions when using this strategy.

    Defaults to false.

    The multiplier for the size of the area that the routing engine will look at when generating the optimum path. Valid values are 1 to 100. 100 means the area looked at is 100 times larger than the default.

    Defaults to 1.

    The Routing.RoadCrossingBehavior code describing the manner in which the routing engine will treat road crossings -- that is, how it will consider going directly between targets on different sides of the road if the targets are on the same link.

    Defaults to Routing.RoadCrossingBehavior.ALLOWED.

    Whether the routing engine is allowed to use toll roads during routing with this strategy.

    Defaults to true.
getAllowUTurns ()

Gets Whether the routing engine is allowed to construct U-turn instructions in route directions when using this strategy.

var newStrategy = new Telogis.GeoBase.Routing.RoutingStrategy();
// Set u-turn bool
// Get u-turn bool
alert ('Are u-turns allowed? ' + newStrategy.getAllowUTurns());
// true

Boolean - True if U-turns are allowed; false otherwise.

getExtraProcessingRatio ()

Gets Multiplier for the area the routing engine uses to look for an optimal route.

var newStrategy = new Telogis.GeoBase.Routing.RoutingStrategy();
// Double the size of the area being queried during route generation
// Get the size multiplier
alert ('Query area multiplier is: ' + newStrategy.getExtraProcessingRatio());

Number - Multiplier of area to query while routing (1-100).

getProfile (String country)

Gets the RoutingProfile for a country previously set using Routing.RoutingStrategy.setProfile.

var speed = Telogis.GeoBase.SpeedUnit.MilesPerHour;
var strategy = new Telogis.GeoBase.Routing.RoutingStrategyFastest();
var profile = new Telogis.GeoBase.Routing.RoutingProfile();
// For every speed category (1-8)
for (speedCat = 1; speedCat <9; ++speedCat) {
    // And every functional class (1-6)
    for (var funcClass = 1; funcClass < 7; ++funcClass) {
    // Set the profile speed to 10mph
    profile.setSpeed(speedCat, funcClass, 10, speed);
// Apply the routing profile to the strategy in the UK
strategy.setProfile("UK", profile);
// Get the routing profile
var countryUKProfile = strategy.getProfile("UK");
  • country (String) - The country to retrieve a RoutingProfile for.


RoutingProfile - The profile for the given country.

getRoadCrossingBehavior ()

Gets The Routing.RoadCrossingBehavior code describing the manner in which the routing engine will treat road crossings -- that is, how it will consider going directly between targets on different sides of the road if the targets are on the same link.

var newStrategy = new Telogis.GeoBase.Routing.RoutingStrategy();
// Set road crossing behavior to FORBIDDEN. Alternative options are 'DISCOURAGED' and 'ALLOWED'.
// Get road crossing behavior
alert ('Road crossing behavior is: ' + newStrategy.getRoadCrossingBehavior());

String - The Routing.RoadCrossingBehavior code used by the Routing.RoutingStrategy.

getUseTollRoads ()

Gets Whether the routing engine is allowed to use toll roads during routing with this strategy.

var newStrategy = new Telogis.GeoBase.Routing.RoutingStrategy();
// Set toll roads bool - 'true' allows toll roads to be used with this strategy
// Get toll roads bool
alert('Is travel along toll roads permitted? ' + newStrategy.getUseTollRoads());
// true

Boolean - True if toll roads are allowed; false otherwise.

setAllowUTurns (Boolean value)

Sets Whether the routing engine is allowed to construct U-turn instructions in route directions when using this strategy.

var newStrategy = new Telogis.GeoBase.Routing.RoutingStrategy();
// Set u-turn bool
// Get u-turn bool
alert ('Are u-turns allowed? ' + newStrategy.getAllowUTurns());
// true
  • value (Boolean) - True to allow U-turns; false otherwise.

setExtraProcessingRatio (Number value)

Sets Multiplier for the area the routing engine uses to look for an optimal route.

var newStrategy = new Telogis.GeoBase.Routing.RoutingStrategy();
// Double the size of the area being queried during route generation
// Get the size multiplier
alert ('Query area multiplier is: ' + newStrategy.getExtraProcessingRatio());
  • (Optional) value (Number) - Multiplier of the size of the area to query while routing. A value of '2' indicates that twice the default area will be queried. Valid values are 1-100. Note that increasing the search area will also increase the memory requirements and the amount of time it takes to create a route. Defaults to 1.

setProfile (String country, RoutingProfile value)

Sets the RoutingProfile for a country.

var speed = Telogis.GeoBase.SpeedUnit.MilesPerHour;
var strategy = new Telogis.GeoBase.Routing.RoutingStrategyFastest();
var profile = new Telogis.GeoBase.Routing.RoutingProfile();
// For every speed category (1-8)
for (speedCat = 1; speedCat <9; ++speedCat) {
    // And every functional class (1-6)
    for (var funcClass = 1; funcClass < 7; ++funcClass) {
    // Set the profile speed to 40mph
    profile.setSpeed(speedCat, funcClass, 40, speed);
// Set the UK profile
strategy.setProfile("UK", profile);
// Then get the UK profile
var countryUKProfile = strategy.getProfile("UK");
// Set USA profile to UK profile
strategy.setProfile("USA", countryUKProfile);
// Check that the profiles are now the same
if (strategy.getProfile("UK") == strategy.getProfile("USA"))
    alert("USA and UK route profiles are now the same!");
  • country (String) - The country this RoutingProfile applies to.

  • value (RoutingProfile) - The profile you wish to apply to the given country.

setRoadCrossingBehavior (String value)

Sets The Routing.RoadCrossingBehavior code describing the manner in which the routing engine will treat road crossings -- that is, how it will consider going directly between targets on different sides of the road if the targets are on the same link.

var newStrategy = new Telogis.GeoBase.Routing.RoutingStrategy();
// Set road crossing behavior to FORBIDDEN. Alternative options are 'DISCOURAGED' and 'ALLOWED'.
// Get road crossing behavior
alert ('Road crossing behavior is: ' + newStrategy.getRoadCrossingBehavior());
setUseTollRoads (Boolean value)

Sets Whether the routing engine is allowed to use toll roads during routing with this strategy.

var newStrategy = new Telogis.GeoBase.Routing.RoutingStrategy();
// Set toll roads bool - 'true' allows toll roads to be used with this strategy
// Get toll roads bool
alert('Is travel along toll roads permitted? ' + newStrategy.getUseTollRoads());
// true
  • value (Boolean) - True to allow toll roads; false otherwise.