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Skin Class

An abstract base class defining functionality common to all types of more specific skin. Primarily, it will manage loading the skin's constituent images.



  • config (Object) - The configuration options for the skin.

destroy ()

Frees resources used by the Skin once it is no longer needed.

destroyInstances ()

Destroys all instances of each type of derived skin, and is itself called automatically by Telogis.GeoBase.destroy when the page unloads.

isLoaded ()

Determines whether the skin is completely loaded, by checking whether all of its images have been downloaded.


Boolean - True if the skin is loaded; false otherwise.

load ()

Downloads an image from each URL in the Skin._images collection (which should have been populated by the derived class constructor) and saves its dimensions once it loads. When this has been done for all the images, the skin is considered loaded.

whenLoaded (Function callback)

Executes a function immediately if the skin has been loaded. If it has not, the function is queued to be called when the skin's Skin.Load event handler is triggered.

  • callback (Function) - The function to execute (in arbitrary scope) when the skin has loaded.