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Render Points

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Points are set up for rendering at the same time as other features but are not actually rendered until the Labelling pass. Features are drawn as a symbol with a label either on or beside it. When using box symbols best results will be obtained by specifying ON_SYMBOL.

Points Render Block
Syntax RENDER '[' filter{,filter}[:"<country>"{,"<country>"}] ']', symbol[, render_behavior][, label [, position][, render_behavior]]

RENDER [large_cities,cities], ICON<!cityIcon>, ALWAYS_RENDER, LABEL<!cityLabel>, ALWAYS_RENDER
RENDER [villages:"France","Belgium"],DOT<round, 4, BRUSH<!black>, BRUSH<!green>>,!mylabel


One or more of the filters listed below, separated by commas.



An optional list of countries, separated by commas. Country names should match those in the Country enumeration, and should be listed in quotation marks. This argument limits the rendering performed by this statement to the countries specified. If no countries are specified, then the statement will render for all countries which were not matched by earlier statements.


The symbol to draw. This can be an Icon, Box, Dot, Circle, or Square object, with parameters specified within angle brackets (<>). This can also be NULL, if you want to specify a label only.


The label to draw with the symbol. This is optional.


Specifies whether the label should be drawn on the symbol, or beside it, by specifying ON_SYMBOL or BESIDE_SYMBOL, respectively. Optional, defaults to BESIDE_SYMBOL.


The first ALWAYS_RENDER parameter specifies whether the symbol (icon, box, dot, circle, or square) should be drawn if there is not enough space. The second ALWAYS_RENDER parameter specifies whether the label should be drawn if there is not enough space. These options are possible:

  • <symbol>, ALWAYS_RENDER, <label>, ALWAYS_RENDER - If you specify ALWAYS_RENDER for both symbol and label, symbol and label are rendered even if there is not enough space.
  • <symbol>, ALWAYS_RENDER - If you specify a symbol with ALWAYS_RENDER and no label, only the symbol is rendered.
  • <symbol>, ALWAYS_RENDER, <label> - If you specify a symbol with ALWAYS_RENDER and a label without ALWAYS_RENDER, the symbol is always rendered and the label is rendered only if there is enough space.
  • <symbol>, <label> - If you specify a symbol and label, both without ALWAYS_RENDER, symbol and label are rendered only if there is space for both.
  • <symbol>, <label>, ALWAYS_RENDER - If you specify a symbol without ALWAYS_RENDER and a label with ALWAYS_RENDER, the label is always rendered and the symbol is rendered only if there is enough space.
  • <symbol> - If you specify a symbol without ALWAYS_RENDER and no label, the symbol is not rendered at all.

Optional, defaults to rendering symbol and label only if there is enough space.