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AutocompleteGeocoderAllowedMatches Enumeration

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Determines the strictness used when matching an address candidate against a search query. In most cases, a combination value such as "Permissive" or "Strict" should be used. However, you can create combinations of the other enumeration values by using the bitwise OR (|) operator.

Namespace:  Telogis.GeoBase.Geocoding
Assembly: (in Version:
public enum AllowedMatches
  Member nameValueDescription
Strict255 Don't allow query errors such as incorrect regions or spelling errors.
Permissive16777215 Allow most minor query errors. This is the best value for most contexts.
NearbyRegions256 Allow results where a region in a street query is a match for a nearby region, rather than the actual region.
SpellingErrors512 Allow results that include spelling errors in street or region names.
WordErrors1024 Allow certain kinds of errors involving missing, extra, or incorrect words, if other details match.
PostCodeErrors2048 Allow results that include errors in post or zip codes.
See Also