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Telogis.GeoBase.Geocoding Namespace

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The Telogis.GeoBase.Geocoding namespace contains classes and structures supporting advanced geocoding functionality. This includes AutocompleteGeocoder and supporting classes, which can be used to produce match-as-you-type geocoding solutions, and the OneLineGeoCodeArgs, StructuredGeoCodeArgs and ExtendedStructuredGeoCodeArgs classes, which can be used to encapsulate complex geocoding arguments to be passed to the GeoCoder class.

Public classAutocompleteGeocoder
The AutocompleteGeocoder class takes partial address strings, and generates a list of full address suggestions. This can be used to implement an interactive address search, in which suggested addresses are displayed in near real-time as a user types.
Public classAutocompleteGeocoderArgs
An object encapsulating one-line arguments for Geocode Overload.
Public classAutocompleteGeocoderBaseArgs
A base class used to provide fields for structured and one-line Autocomplete Geocoder arguments.
Public classAutocompleteGeocoderPartialResult
AutocompleteGeocoderPartialResult objects are provided to a callback function provided to Geocode Overload. They contain an array of AutocompleteGeocoderSuggestion objects representing addresses which matched the search string. Collectively, all the AutocompleteGeocoderPartialResult objects returned for a particular Geocode will form the same complete set of results returned in the AutocompleteGeocoderResult returned by the Geocode Overload call.
Public classAutocompleteGeocoderResult
AutocompleteGeocoderResult objects are returned as a result of a call to Geocode Overload. They contain SearchResult information on how the search terminated, together with an array of AutocompleteGeocoderSuggestion objects representing addresses which matched the search string.
Public classAutocompleteGeocoderResultsHint
AutocompleteGeocoderResultHint objects can be provided to Geocode Overload. They contain information on a previous search that can be used as a hint for the new search. For example, providing a result hint based on a previous search for "100 main st, cambri" means that a subsequent search for "100 main st, cambrid" can quickly provide some initial results. This is best used in combination with an incremental results callback. Note: When an AutocompleteGeocoderResultHint is provided to a Geocode, it is assumed that the Geocode arguments are the same for each (excluding the search query). For example, it will assume that the location hint and countries are the same.
Public classAutocompleteGeocoderSuggestion
AutocompleteGeocoderSuggestion objects represent potential matches produced by the AutocompleteGeocoder in response to a search string. These correspond to either street addresses or regions (e.g. Cities, States) contained in the GBFS data.
Public classCustomArg
Custom arguments to pass to a Location Search operation.
Public classCode exampleExtendedStructuredGeoCodeArgs
Object for specifying extended structured geocode arguments.
Public classGeoCodeArgs
A base class used to provide fields for structured and one-line geocode arguments.
Public classLocationSearch
LocationSearch provides a single API to search for locations across different sources, such as geocoders, POI sources, and reverse geocoders. By default, GeoBase geocoders are used, but additional sources can be provided using AddSearchSource(LocationSearchSource).
Public classLocationSearchArgs
An object encapsulating one-line arguments for LocationSearch(LocationSearchBaseArgs).
Public classLocationSearchBaseArgs
A base class used to provide fields for one-line and structured Location Search arguments.
Public classLocationSearchOperation
A search operation for GeoBase's LocationSearch API that can find location search results.
Public classLocationSearchResult
LocationSearchResult objects are returned as a result of a call to Search. They contain SearchResult information on how the search terminated, together with an array of LocationSearchSuggestion objects representing locations which matched the search string.
Public classLocationSearchSource
A search source for GeoBase's location search API. Custom search sources can be implemented by creating a subclass of this class and creating an associated subclass of LocationSearchOperation. Subclasses are normally implemented as a singleton.
Public classLocationSearchSuggestion
LocationSearchSuggestion objects represent matches produced by the LocationSearch class in response to a search string.
Public classCode exampleOneLineGeoCodeArgs
Object for specifying one-line geocode arguments.
Public classRelativeSearchOperation
A specialized search operation for GeoBase's location search API for use with relative queries such as 'hotels in aliso viejo'. Custom relative search operations can subclass this, along with RelativeSource, to provide access to other kinds of relative query results other than built in point of interest results.
Public classRelativeSource
A specialized search source for GeoBase's location search API for use with relative queries such as 'hotels in aliso viejo'. Custom relative sources can subclass this, along with RelativeSearchOperation, to provide access to other kinds of relative query results other than built in point of interest results.
Public classCode exampleStructuredAutocompleteGeocoderArgs
An object encapsulating structured arguments for Geocode Overload.
Public classCode exampleStructuredGeoCodeArgs
Object for specifying structured geocode arguments.
Public classStructuredLocationSearchArgs
An object encapsulating structured arguments for LocationSearch(LocationSearchBaseArgs).
Public interfaceISearchArgs
An interface for the arguments supplied to a search operation.
Public interfaceISearchSuggestion
An interface for a search suggestion that is part of the search results for a search operation.
Public enumerationAutocompleteGeocoderAllowedMatches
Determines the strictness used when matching an address candidate against a search query. In most cases, a combination value such as "Permissive" or "Strict" should be used. However, you can create combinations of the other enumeration values by using the bitwise OR (|) operator.
Public enumerationAutocompleteGeocoderExcludedResults
An enumeration of the different types of results that can be excluded from the results of an autocomplete geocoding operation.
Public enumerationAutocompleteGeocoderResultType
An enumeration of the different types of results that can be returned by the AutocompleteGeocoder.
Public enumerationAutocompleteGeocoderSearchDepth
Determines the desired behavior when hitting the results limit; higher depths result in more effort finding better results. Use SearchDepth.Low to return the first results found. SearchDepth.Medium and SearchDepth.High can take longer to find results, but the average quality is higher. Note that two AutoCompleteGeocoder calls with the same AutocompleteGeocoderArgs may produce different results when using a AutocompleteGeocoder.SearchDepth value other than SearchDepth.Low.
Public enumerationLocationSearchQueryForm
Specifies whether a query is a prefix or full query, which may influence how searching is performed.
Public enumerationLocationSearchResultType
Possible result types for search results.
Public enumerationLocationSearchSearchDepth
Specifies the desired depth of the search. A low depth is best suited to user interfaces that need to be highly responsive; a high depth is best suited to contexts where high quality results are particularly important, at the sacrifice of search speed.
Public enumerationRelativeSourceRelativeQueryType
An enumeration for the types of relative search queries.