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LatLon Properties

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The LatLon type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleAsInt64
Return Latitude and Longitude packed as a 64bit integer.
Public propertyCode exampleIsValid
True only if this LatLon has been assigned a valid value.
Public propertyLat
Latitude (Y) in degrees.
Public propertyLon
Longitude (X) in degrees.
Public propertyWKT
Return this point formatted for WKT (Well Known Text).
Public propertyWKTWithZ
Return this point formatted for WKT (Well Known Text) with Z level.
Public propertyCode examplex
Gets or sets Lon.
Public propertyCode exampley
Gets or sets Lat.
Public propertyZLevel
Gets or sets the z-level of this LatLon. It is used to determine whether there is a height difference between overlapping LatLons, for example when one road crosses another road as a bridge.
See Also