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Telogis.GeoBase Namespace

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The Telogis.GeoBase namespace provides types for creating and managing maps, rendering additional features on to maps, as well as functions such as geocoding, points-of-interest (PoI) and spatial searches.

Create maps with the Map class (for ASP.NET and other server applications) or the MapCtrl class (for Window's Forms) both of which implement the IMap Interface - a country / engine independent map interface with support for zooming. Change the appearance of your maps with the MapStyle class; map styles can be created with a Chameleon script using Verizon Connect GeoBase WorkBench or a simple text editor.

Locations (latitude, longitude) on maps are described with the LatLon structure which can be used to add RouteStops, and other objects to maps. Custom objects such as the PushPin, BalloonPushPin and DirectionalPushPin location markers can be displayed on the map by implementing the IMapRenderer interface. To display multiple objects it is necessary to use a RendererList. Rendered objects that need to respond to mouse clicks should implement the IMapMouseHandler interface. The MapMouseEventsHandler may be used to simplify this procedure.

The Address class represents a physical address retrieved from Reverse GeoCoding. Reverse GeoCoding is the process of resolving a location to an Address. An Address may contain such information as street number, street name, city, county and state. An Address is returned by a call to ReverseGeoCode(LatLon). The GeocodeAddress class represents a LatLon and a street address. A GeocodeAddress is returned as the result of forward geocoding. Forward geocoding is the conversion of a string address to a street address containing detailed location information. GeoBase also provides a DrillDownGeoCoder class that performs a GeoCode by progressively selecting a smaller set of regions, narrowing down the search. It has the ability to query the location of a street, Street address, postcode, region, city, state or country.

A Street class represents a physical street. A Street is a collection of StreetLinks, that is, a continuous set of links that have a common name and region. Each street has a name and an array of points through which the street passes. Use the StreetData class to query a street, and specifically the location of the street and all the addresses on the street.

The Poi (point of interest) class represents a location that contains some structure, facility or service that may be of special interest. An array of Pois may be returned by a DataQuery. Use the PoiRenderer to render a Poi (see PoiType for examples) on an IMap.

More information:

See the GeoBase section of this help guide for more information and how-to tutorials on the most important aspects of GeoBase such as Routing, Geocoding, Rendering, Map Control, and Navigation.

Public classCode exampleAddress
Represents a physical address retrieved from reverse geocoding. (Reverse geocoding is the process of resolving a location to an Address). An Address may contain such information as street number, street name, city, county and state.

See also GeocodeAddress for the address type returned from forward geocoding.

Public classCode exampleAddressNameInfo
Provides a way to access additional information for a street name.
Public classAsyncSearcherResultElementT, ResultT
Helper object to perform asynchronous searches on behalf of a DrillDownGeoCoder.
Public classCode exampleBalloonPushPin
A PushPin with an informational balloon. The balloon may be hidden if required.
Public classCode exampleBehaviorAdapter
Class that provides an easy way to override default MapCtrl behavior.
Public classCode exampleBoundingBox
Represents a rectangular area, defined by two corners: bottom-left (P1) and top-right (P2). Used for specifying map sizes and determining feature limits.
Public classBreak
Represents a Break on a route.
Public classBulkResponseTResponse
Container for responses/errors from a bulk operation (GeoCoding, Reverse GeoCoding, Data Query)
Public classCode exampleCompassRose
Draws a Compass Rose on the map. When the user rotates the Compass Rose (by dragging with the mouse, configured by the EnableGui property) the map will rotate.
Public classCode exampleContactInfo
This class represents contact details and display information for your software package. The information contained in this class should be sufficient to allow the user to lodge a support request and contact you.
Public classCorrectedLocation
A location that has been corrected to be situated on the appropriate side of the street, with a suitable distance from the street.
Public classCode exampleCountryToIso3166
This class contains a single static method. The method returns the ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code for any Country.
Public classCode exampleCountryToIso3166Alpha3
This class contains a single static method. The method returns the ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 code for any Country.
Public classCountryToString
This class contains a single static method. The method returns a well-formatted string to represent any Country.
Public classCode exampleCountryUnavailableException
This exception will be thrown if data is not available for a requested country.
Public classCode exampleCustomColumn
Describes a column in a custom data file.
Public classCode exampleCustomIndex
Describes an index in a custom data file.
Public classCode exampleCustomTable
Describes a table in a custom data file.
Public classDataQuery
Allows spatial data to be queried directly. Example queries are to find Streets that pass through a given BoundingBox (see QueryStreets(BoundingBox, StreetType)) or to find the nearest feature to a given point (see QueryPolygonsAtPoint(LatLon, String)).
Public classCode exampleDDGCRegionSearcher
Carries out asynchronous region search operations on behalf of a DrillDownGeoCoder.
Public classCode exampleDDGCStreetSearcher
Carries out asynchronous street search operations on behalf of a DrillDownGeoCoder.
Public classCode exampleDirectionalPushPin
A light-weight pushpin that may be rotated to a specified Heading before being drawn. For example, a DirectionalPushPin could be used to describe the direction and position of a truck.
Public classCode exampleDistanceMeter
Records the cumulative distance (as the crow-flies) traveled from a starting point through a number of other points.
Public classCode exampleDrillDownGeoCoder
The DrillDownGeoCoder is a class that performs a GeoCode by progressively selecting a smaller set of regions, narrowing down the search. It has the ability to query the location of a street, street address, postcode, region, city, state or country.
Public classETACalculator
A class to calculate the estimated time of arrival (ETA).
Public classCode exampleGBCulture
Represents cultural information about GeoBase objects. This class can be used to map between a culture name and an IetfLanguageTag such as "en-US".
Public classGBThread
Utility class to create threads, which helps ensure that all threads are named and have an appropriate Repository as their CurrentThreadRepository.
Public classCode exampleGeocodeAddress
Represents a LatLon and a street address. A GeoCodeAddress is returned as the result of forward geocoding (the conversion of a string address, eg "20 enterprise, aliso viejo, ca", to a street address containing detailed location information).
Public classCode exampleGeoCodeFull
Detailed information returned from ReverseGeoCodeFull(LatLon): address, closest point on the nearest StreetLink and the nearest StreetLink.
Public classCode exampleGeoCoder
The GeoCoder allows you to convert a map coordinate to/from an address.
Public classGISObject
Abstract superclass of all feature types that can be returned from DataQuery. Provides column data retrieval functionality for custom data objects.
Public classHorizonRenderer
Renders the horizon on a 2.5D map perspective.
Public classHoursMinsValue
Represents a timespan in hours and minutes. Differs from a TimeSpan because Hours may be greater than 24.
Public classIntersectionLabeller
Used to label an intersection.
Public classIntersectionLabellerPosition
Used to describe the position (of a vehicle) for intersection labeling.
Public classCode exampleIso3166Alpha3ToCountry
This class contains a single static method. The method returns the Country for any ISO 3166-1-alpha-3 code.
Public classCode exampleIso3166ToCountry
This class contains a single static method. The method returns the Country for any ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code.
Public classJournalDataSetHashNotEqual
Fail-fast behavior caused by the journal file being made with a a different repository than the current one. Simply regenerating the journal file will fix this problem.
Public classJournalTooOldException
An exception thrown when the journal file being specified is made with a version of GeoBase that's too old. Simply regenerating the journal file will fix this problem.
Public classJournalVersionUnsupported
An exception thrown when the journal file being specified is made with a version of GeoBase that's either too new or too old, and routing does not understand it. Simply regenerating the journal file will fix this problem.
Public classLine
Represents a non-street line feature, such as a railway, stream or custom line data.
Public classLocalGeoCoder
Forward geocoding services performed on the local machine.
Public classLogicalStreetLink
Provides a wrapper for one or more StreetLink sharing the same vendor and link ID.
Public classCode exampleMap
Generates Maps.
Public classMapChangedEventArgs
The arguments passed to an event handler that responds when a map property changes.
Public classMapCtrl
Map Control Object for Windows Forms.
Public classMapCtrlDefaultBehavior
Defines the behavior of the MapCtrl by default for mouse and key events.
Public classCode exampleMapMouseEventsHandler
Convenience class that collects various mouse events into one place.
Public classCode exampleMapStyle
A map style is a compiled representation of a Chameleon script. For more information on writing Chameleon scripts, see the Chameleon section of the User's Guide.
Public classMathUtil
A collection of useful math functions.
Public classMultiLine Obsolete.
A collection of Line objects that represent a non-road linear map feature such as a railroad or political boundary.
Public classMultiPointFeature Obsolete.
A map feature that is made up of a collection of points (LatLon values).
Public classMultiPolygon Obsolete.
Represents a collection of Polygons.
Public classCode examplePartialCamRenderer
Provides a means to apply partial cam files to a GeoBase map.
Public classPoi
A Point of Interest (POI) represents a location that contains some structure, facility or service that may be of special interest. An array of POIs may be returned by a DataQuery.
Public classPoiAsyncResult
Provides properties to query the state of an asynchronous POI search
Public classPointAddress
Represents an address in a given street.
Public classPointFeature
A PointFeature may be a city from a GeoBase data file, or a point feature from a custom dataset.
Public classCode examplePoiRenderer
Renders a Point of Interest (see PoiType for examples) on an IMap. A single PoiRenderer should not be used as a renderer for more than one IMap at the same time.
Public classPolygon
Represents a closed polygonal map feature such as a lake or national park. Not to be confused with a Polygon, which is the physical shape of the Geometry object contained in the Geometries property.
Public classPolygonRing Obsolete.
Represents a ring of a polygon.
Public classPushPin
A light-weight object that can be quickly drawn on a map.
Public classQueryConstraintsArgs
A class representing individual links to be queried for constraints.
Public classRegionData
This class describes a region on the map. This region can be a city, suburb, county, province or state.
Public classRegionSearchResult
Returned from calls to GetRegions.
Public classRenderContext
A RenderContext is an abstract class implemented to control the placement of renderable objects.
Public classCode exampleRendererList
A Collection of Renderers which allows multiple IMapRenderers to draw on the same IMap.
Public classResultResultElementT
An object returned by an asynchronous search.
Public classReverseGeoCodeArgs
Container for arguments to ReverseGeoCodeFull(ReverseGeoCodeArgs). All arguments except for Location are optional.
Public classCode exampleRouteStop
Represents a stop on a route. Fields include the location of the stop, a description of the stop and the nearest intersection.
Public classCode exampleScribble
A free-form drawing tool that allows a user to scribble on the map.
Public classSearchResultExtensions
Public classSenderObjects
Identifies an item and IMap that are generating an event (usually a mouse event), allowing for customized handling of that event.
Public classCode exampleSetT
A set of values backed by a dictionary.
Public classSetTEnumerator
Simple enumerator for the Set.
Public classSettings
Configures the GeoBase settings and loads required datafiles.
Public classSpeedLimit
Represents a speed limit as a SpeedValue and a SpeedLimitSource
Public classSpeedValue
Represents a speed as a value and a SpeedUnit.
Public classStateNotFoundException
An exception thrown when a state name cannot be found when geocoding.
Public classStatistics
Provides statistics on GeoBase activity.
Public classStreet
Represents a physical street.
Public classCode exampleStreetData
StreetData knows about a given street. Specifically, the location of the street and all the addresses on the street.
Public classStreetDataStreetTreeItem
An item in the RTree used for indexing street data.
Public classStreetLink
Represents a single street link. A link is typically a section of street running between two intersections.
Public classStreetLinkCollection
A collection of StreetLinks.
Public classStreetSearchResult
Returned from calls to GetStreets or EndGetStreets.
Public classTimeStatistics
Provides time statistics for block measurements.
Public classUnknownGeocodeAddress
Represents a generic (or 'unknown') GeocodeAddress. It contains no more than a street address, city, zip code and region.
Public classUSGeocodeAddress
Represents a US-specific GeocodeAddress. It contains no more than a street address, city, zip code and state.
Public classVector Obsolete.
A vector is formed from a LatLon with a given heading and speed.
Public classVenezuelaAddress
Represents a street address in Venezuela.
Public classWaypoint
Represents a Waypoint on a route.
Public classZoomLevel
A helper class with a set of useful zoom levels for use with maps.
Public structureCode exampleArrowProperties
The color, length, spacing, and width of arrows drawn along an arbitrary array of points on a map.
Public structureBasemapLayer
Identifies which layer in the basemap a request represents.
Public structureCode exampleConfidenceScores
Confidence that an Address found by geocoding is accurate. The score for each component of the address is between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive, with 1.0 indicating a perfect match.
Public structureLatLon
Latitude Longitude Pair, expressed in degrees (WGS84 World Geodetic System projection).
Public structureLinkExtraData
Extra data for a street link. Currently, the only extra data available is the location of Traffic Signals.
Public structureCode exampleMapBuffer
Used to provide a buffer to ZoomToBoundingBox(BoundingBox, MapBuffer), with separate values for each side of the map.
Public structureRectangle
Describes a rectangular area, specified by two corner points. Rectangles may be checked for overlap using the Intersects(Rectangle) method.
Public structureStreetDataAddressRange
This class describes a subset of the addresses along the street that matches a certain pattern.
Public structureStreetDataMileMarkerRange
This class describes a range of the MileMarkers along the street.
Public structureCode exampleTimeZone
A TimeZone may be used to convert from UTC to local (street) time. You should not construct a TimeZone object manually. Instead, use the ReverseGeoCodeFull(LatLon) method, and retrieve a TimeZone object from the TimeZone property of the method's return value.
Public interfaceIMap
Country / Engine independent map interface with support for zooming.
Public interfaceIMapFeature
Classes that implement this interface represent map features returned from a GeoBase query.
Public interfaceIMapMouseHandler
Implement to allow an item on the map to respond to mouse clicks.
Public interfaceCode exampleIMapRenderer
Supports rendering user-defined features onto a map.
Public interfaceIRegionSearcher
Interface for classes that provide a collection of regions to a drill down geocoder.
Public interfaceISearchResult
Implemented by objects returned from a search.
Public delegateGetTimeDelegate
A delegate used for providing the current time to GeoBase functions.
Public delegateMapChangedEventHandler
The type of event handlers that are called when a map property changes.
Public delegateMapProgress
A delegate to be called when progress is made on rendering an IMap that is being rendered asynchronously.
Public enumerationAddressDirectionOnSign
Describes the direction property (North, East, West, South) of an address.
Public enumerationBackgroundThread Obsolete.
Enumeration used to control whether or not a thread created by GBThread is a background thread.
Public enumerationCode exampleBalloonLocation
Represents the location at which the balloon of a BalloonPushPin should be rendered.
Public enumerationBuildPlatform
Describes the operating platform. Only desktop is supported.
Public enumerationConfidenceLevel
Indicates the level of confidence in a result.
Public enumerationCountry
Defines countries.
Public enumerationDayType
Describes whether a specified day (typically for a recurring event such as daylight saving, see TimeZone) is a day of the week, or a day of the month.
Public enumerationDistanceUnit
The DistanceUnit is used when requesting distance conversions.
Public enumerationDragBehavior
Defines the behavior of an IMap when it is dragged with the mouse.
Public enumerationExpansionFlags
Flags used to determine street expansion behavior.
Public enumerationFeatureSupport
Specified the features supported by a Repository, such as mapping or geocoding.
Public enumerationFeatureType
The type (shape) of a map feature that can be returned by a DataQuery.
Public enumerationGeoCodeMatch
Describes the primary search method that was used to find a GeocodeAddress.
Public enumerationHorizonRenderType
The mode used by a HorizonRenderer when rendering a horizon.
Public enumerationLibraryMode
Describes the mode of operation of the GeoBase library: Local or GeoStream.
Public enumerationLineType
An enumeration of possible line flag values, representing line types.
Public enumerationMapPerspective
An enumeration of options for the perspective to draw a map from.
Public enumerationMapProjectionType
An enumeration representing projection types for locally generated maps.
Public enumerationMapQuality
An enumeration of the options available for map rendering accuracy. Increased accuracy is more processor intensive. Note that the actual outcome of the MapQuality depends on the MapStyle being used. MapStyles can change their output based on the MapStyle Setting.
Public enumerationMassUnit
Used when requesting mass conversions.
Public enumerationMathUtilEditDistanceOptions
Flags for controlling the behavior of the MathUtil.EditDistance method.
Public enumerationPoiRestaurantType
A sub-type enumeration representing various types of restaurant.
Public enumerationPoiType
An enumeration representing different Poi (point of interest) types.
Public enumerationPolygonFlag
An enumeration of polygon type flags, representing different polygon features; for example lakes, cities and oceans.
Public enumerationPolygonType
Defining types of polygons (such as land/water/simple) used in a DataQuery.
Public enumerationQueryType
An enumeration representing various conditions to query data by.
Public enumerationRenderMask
Specifies the layer mask upon which a label should be drawn.
Public enumerationRenderMode
An enumeration representing the three stages of rendering, which are used by Render(Graphics, RenderContext) and RenderContext to control the priority and behavior of rendering objects.
Public enumerationReverseGeoCodeMode
Used to control the types of streets that are returned from a ReverseGeoCodeFull(LatLon) street search.
Public enumerationRouteStopHitTestResult
An enumeration used to return the type of results from a HitTest(Point, IMap).
Public enumerationSearchResult
Indicates the state of a search.
Public enumerationSpeedUnit
These definitions are used when requesting speed conversions.
Public enumerationStreetDataNumberType
The pattern followed by an address range.
Public enumerationStreetType
Enumeration of street types (such as highways, arterial roads and minor streets) used in queries. See DataQuery. A street of a particular StreetType can be made up of StreetLinks that return different types for the RouteFlag.FUNC_CLASS property. However, the majority of the StreetLink types will match the StreetType. For example, for a super highway, most StreetLinks will have a RouteFlag.FUNC_CLASS of type 1, but there may be a StreetLink with a RouteFlag.FUNC_CLASS of type 2 included as well.
Public enumerationTimeUnit
Used when requesting time conversions.
Public enumerationTrafficSignalLocation
Location of traffic signals in relation to a streetlink.