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AutocompleteGeocoderGeocode Method

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Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGeocode(AutocompleteGeocoderBaseArgs)
Generate address suggestions, based on the provided AutocompleteGeocoderBaseArgs object.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGeocode(String, BoundingBox, LatLon, TimeSpan)
Generate a set of address suggestions based on the partial address string provided, searching all countries which intersect the provided BoundingBox, with an optional LatLon location hint provided to sort results based on country and proximity.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGeocode(String, Country, LatLon, TimeSpan)
Generate a set of address suggestions for a specific country, based on a partial address string, optionally ordered by proximity to a LatLon location hint.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGeocode(String, BoundingBox, LatLon, TimeSpan, ActionAutocompleteGeocoderPartialResult, AutocompleteGeocoderResultsHint) Obsolete.
Generate a set of address suggestions based on the partial address string provided, searching all countries which intersect the provided BoundingBox, with an optional LatLon location hint provided to sort results based on country and proximity.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleGeocode(String, Country, LatLon, TimeSpan, ActionAutocompleteGeocoderPartialResult, AutocompleteGeocoderResultsHint) Obsolete.
Generate a set of address suggestions for a specific country, based on a partial address string, optionally ordered by proximity to a LatLon location hint.
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