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GeoCoderGeoCode Method (ExtendedStructuredGeoCodeArgs)

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Geocode an address to one or more GeocodeAddresses, using the given ExtendedStructuredGeoCodeArgs. Note that external geocoding is not supported when using ExtendedStructuredGeoCodeArgs.

Namespace:  Telogis.GeoBase
Assembly: (in Version:
public static GeocodeAddress[] GeoCode(
	ExtendedStructuredGeoCodeArgs args


Type: Telogis.GeoBase.GeocodingExtendedStructuredGeoCodeArgs
The arguments for the geocoding operation.

Return Value

Type: GeocodeAddress
Zero or more GeocodeAddress results
// Geocode using ExtendedStructuredGeoCodeArgs arguments. Max returned results = 5
GeocodeAddress[] addr = GeoCoder.GeoCode(new Telogis.GeoBase.Geocoding.ExtendedStructuredGeoCodeArgs() {
    Number = 17,
    Prefix = "West",
    Name = "Ryley",
    StreetTypeAfter = "Court",
    City = "Aliso Viejo",
    Region = "California",
    PostalCode = "92656",
    MaxResults = 5,
    Country = Country.USA
// Write out the first address in the array
Console.WriteLine("Found address {0}", addr[0]);
// Prints 'Found address 17 W Ryley Ct, Aliso Viejo, California, 92656, USA'
// Create ExtendedStructuredGeoCodeArgs argument. Max returned results = 5
var ExtendedArgs = new Telogis.GeoBase.Geocoding.ExtendedStructuredGeoCodeArgs() {
    Number = 17,
    Prefix = "West",
    Name = "Ryley",
    StreetTypeAfter = "Court",
    City = "Aliso Viejo",
    Region = "California",
    PostalCode = "92656",
    MaxResults = 5,
    Country = Country.USA
// Geocode using the arguments
GeocodeAddress[] addrArray = GeoCoder.GeoCode(ExtendedArgs);
// Write out the first address in the array
Console.WriteLine("Found address {0}", addrArray[0]);
// Prints 'Found address 17 W Ryley Ct, Aliso Viejo, California, 92656, USA'
See Also