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StreetLink Properties

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The StreetLink type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleExtraData
Implemented by derived classes to get the extra data for this link. Extra data includes information such as the existence of traffic signals at the end of the link. It is not available in all data files.
Public propertyCode exampleFirstPoint
The first point on the street (this point will be at the reference end).
Public propertyCode exampleFlags
Implemented by derived classes to get a RouteFlag object that contains information about the flags on this street.
Public propertyCode exampleLAddrNRef
Implemented by derived classes to get the number of the last property on the left of the street at the non-reference end.
Public propertyCode exampleLAddrRef
Implemented by derived classes to get the number of the first property on the left of the street at the reference end.
Public propertyCode exampleLastPoint
The last point on the street (this point will be at the non-reference end).
Public propertyCode exampleLinkId
Implemented by derived classes to get the unique identifier for this link from the underlying dataset.
Public propertyCode exampleLPostcode
Implemented by derived classes to get the postcode for the left hand side of the street.
Public propertyCode exampleNames
Implemented by derived classes to get an array of the names of this street.
Public propertyCode examplePoints
Implemented by derived classes to get an array of the points representing this street. Points are returned with the reference end at position 0 and the non-reference end at Points.Length - 1
Public propertyRAddrNRef
Implemented by derived classes to get the number of the last property on the right of the street.
Public propertyRAddrRef
Implemented by derived classes to get the number of the first property on the right of the street at the reference end.
Public propertyCode exampleRPostcode
Implemented by derived classes to get the postcode for the right hand side of the street.
Public propertyCode exampleStreet
Implemented by derived classes to get the Street that this StreetLink is a part of.
Public propertyCode exampleTimeZone
Implemented by derived classes to get the time zone where this street link is located.
Public propertyCode exampleVendor
Implemented by derived classes to get the vendor of the street data containing this link.
Public propertyCode exampleZ_End
Implemented by derived classes to get the Z level at the non-reference end of the street link.
Public propertyCode exampleZ_Start
Implemented by derived classes to get the Z level at the reference end of the street link.
See Also