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DataQueryFindNearbyPopulationCenter Method (LatLon, Double, UInt32, Double, CancellationToken)

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Finds a nearby population center (usually a city) based on distance and population criteria.

Namespace:  Telogis.GeoBase
Assembly: (in Version:
public static Address FindNearbyPopulationCenter(
	LatLon location,
	double maxDistanceMeters,
	uint minPopulation,
	double sizeFactor,
	CancellationToken token


Type: Telogis.GeoBaseLatLon
The location to query.
Type: SystemDouble
The maximum search radius, in meters, from the location.
Type: SystemUInt32
The minimum population of the location. Use 0 to include all population centers.
Type: SystemDouble
A value between 0 and 1, used to determine the relative weight of distance versus population. When set to 0, the closest population center within the search area will be returned (proximity only). When set to 1, the largest population center within the search area will be returned (population only). Between 0 and 1, results will be weighted based on an interpolated score incorporating proximity and population. A value near 0.3 (mostly proximity but partly population) generally provides good results, but experimentation is recommended based on the particular use case.
Type: Telogis.GeoBase.ConcurrencyCancellationToken
A CancellationToken that can be used to cancel the query early, causing a DataQueryCanceledException to be thrown.

Return Value

Type: Address
An Address representing the nearby population center, or null if no suitable candidates were found within the search area.
See Also