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LocationSearchSuggestion Properties

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The LocationSearchSuggestion type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddress
The address data for the suggestion, for use with AddressFormatter.
Public propertyBoundingBox
The bounding box of a region. This field will only be populated for region suggestions, where available; for other suggestions, this will return null.
Public propertyConfidence
The confidence in the suggestion. The confidence is a decimal number between 0 and 1, with 1 representing the highest confidence. Care should be taken by search source implementations to ensure that confidence scores are comparable across search sources.
Public propertyCountry
The country in which the suggestion is located.
Public propertyCustomData
A dictionary of custom data that can be used by custom search sources to provide additional data on suggestions beyond what is specified in other properties. Defaults to an empty dictionary.
Public propertyDisplayText
A concise one line summary of the suggestion for use when displaying it in a list of results. Contains information used to identify the suggestion in this context, such as name and address, excluding country. This value is used as the return value of ToString.
Public propertyDisplayTextWithCountry
A concise one line summary of the suggestion for use when displaying it in a list of results. Contains information used to identify the suggestion in this context, such as name and address, including country.
Public propertyIntersection
A LatLon representing the point where the address connects with the street network. This location is preferred over Location when reverse geocoding. May be set to Empty if the suggestion has no single location.
Public propertyLinkId
The link ID of the StreetLink on which the suggestion is located. Set to 0 if the result is not associated with a link.
Public propertyLocation
The LatLon representing the suggestion's location. May be set to Empty if the suggestion has no single location; in this case, BoundingBox should be set instead.
Public propertyName
The name of the result. For an address match, this will be set to the name of the most precise component of the result, such as the street name for a street match or a region name for a region match. For a POI match, this will be the name of the POI. For other matches, the name may be set to null when it is not applicable.
Public propertyPoiTypes
The PoiTypes of the suggestion. Applicable only when ResultType is a point of interest type. Defaults to an empty array.
Public propertyPostCode
The post or zip code for this suggestion. Set to null if not relevant to the suggestion, or if the post code is ambiguous.
Public propertyRegionLevel
The RegionLevel of the suggestion, if it is a region suggestion. 0 indicates a city. Increasingly positive values indicate progressively less specific regions. Increasingly negative values indicate progressively more specific suburbs. Set to InvalidRegionLevel if the suggestion is not a region suggestion.
Public propertyRegions
The list of regions for this suggestion, with the most specific region (eg city) first. See Regions.
Public propertyResultType
The type of result.
Public propertyStreetName
The name of the street for the suggestion. Set to null if not a street suggestion.
Public propertyStreetNumber
The street number of the suggestion. Set to InvalidStreetNumber if the suggestion does not have a street number.
Public propertyStreetNumberFull
The street number of the suggestion e.g. 20, 5b or 10-12.
Public propertySubregions
The list of subregions for this suggestion (eg, suburbs within a city). See SubRegions.
Public propertyUnits
The unit identifiers of the suggestion. E.g. "Floor 2, Building 3". Gets the unit types and corresponding units as AddressUnit objects.
Public propertyVendor
The vendor of the StreetLink on which the suggestion is located. Set to null when the result is not associated with a link.
See Also