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PoiType Enumeration

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An enumeration representing different Poi (point of interest) types.

Namespace:  Telogis.GeoBase
Assembly: (in Version:
public enum PoiType
  Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0 An unknown type
Winery2084 A winery
ATM3578 An ATM (Automated Teller Machine)
TrainStation4013 A train station
CommuterRailStation4100 Commuter rail station, such as a metro station
BusStation4170 A bus station
NamedPlace4444 A named place of an unspecified type
FerryTerminal4482 A ferry terminal
Marina4493 A marina
PublicSportAirport4580 A non-commercial airport / field
Airport4581 An airport
Business5000 A business facility
GroceryStore5400 A grocery store
CarDealer5511 A car dealership
UsedCarDealer5512 A used car dealership
PetrolStation5540 A petrol / gas station
MotorcycleDealership5571 A motorcycle dealership
Restaurant5800 A restaurant
Nightlife5913 A location providing nighttime entertainment (such as a bar, club or lounge)
Monument5999 An historical monument
Bank6000 A bank
Shopping6512 A shopping center
HotelMotel7011 A hotel or motel
SkiResort7012 A ski resort
SkiLift7014 A ski lift
TouristInformation7389 An information center
FireStation7392 Fire Station
RentalCar7510 A rental car agency
ParkingLot7520 A parking lot
ParkingGarage7521 A parking garage
ParkAndRide7522 A Park & Ride facility
CarRepair7538 A business providing car repairs
Cinema7832 A cinema
RestArea7897 A rest area
PerformingArts7929 A performing arts center or event
BowlingCenter7933 A bowling center
SportsComplex7940 A sports complex (such as a stadium, courts or velodrome)
Park7947 A park or recreation area
Casino7985 A casino
ConventionCenter7990 A convention or exhibition center
GolfCourse7992 A golf course
CommunityCenter7994 A community center
AmusementPark7996 An amusement park
SportsCenter7997 A sports center
IceSkatingRink7998 An ice skating rink
TouristAttraction7999 A tourist attraction of some description
Hospitals8060 A hospital
HigherEducation8200 A center for higher education (college, university etc)
Schools8211 A school
Library8231 A library
Museum8410 A museum
AutomobileClub8699 An automobile club
CityHall9121 A building with city hall type functions
CourtHouse9211 A court house
PoliceStation9221 A police station
GovernmentOffices9525 Government office
Bar9532 A bar or pub
Specialty9567 A specialty store
SportingGoods9568 A sporting goods store
MedicalService9583 A medical service
PublicRestroom9589 A public restroom
Residential9590 A residential area or building
Cemetery9591 Cemetery
TransportService9593 A Transport Service.
RepairServices9595 A provider of repair services.
TrainingCentre9596 A training center.
WeighStation9710 A weigh station.
MilitaryBase9715 A military base.
Tollbooth9717 A toll booth.
AnimalPark9718 An animal park.
NamedIntersection9730 A named intersection.
Church9992 Place of worship
BusinessService9994 A facility providing services to businesses
BookStore9995 A book store
CoffeeShop9996 A coffee shop
Pharmacy9997 A pharmacy / drug store
BorderCrossing9999 A border crossing point
BritishRail10001 A British Rail station
LondonUnderground10002 A London Underground (tube) station
TruckStop20000 A truck stop
TruckDealer20001 A truck dealer
Toll20002 A toll
Laundry20003 A laundry
PostOffice20005 A post office
EntryPoint20006 Entry Point
CulturalCenter20007 Cultural Center
FireAidPost20009 Fire Aid Post
DepartmentStore20011 Department Store
TravelAgency20012 Travel Agency
PublicPhone20013 Public Phone
Warehouse20014 Warehouse
Zoo20015 Zoo
ScenicPanoramaView20016 A location with a beautiful or particular view
SwimmingPool20017 Swimming Pool
TransportCompany20018 Transport Company
CargoCentre20023 Cargo Center
CarShippingTerminal20024 Car Shipping Terminal
AirlineAccess20025 Airline Access
Campground20026 Campground
CaravanSite20027 Caravan Site
CoachandLorryParking20028 Bus and Truck Parking
Customs20029 Customs
Embassy20030 Embassy
GovernmentOffice20031 Government Office
RoadSideDiner20032 Road Side Diner
Stadium20033 Stadium
TollPlaza20034 Toll Plaza
CityCentre20035 City Center
Kindergarten20036 Kindergarten
EmergencyCallStation20037 Emergency Call Station
EmergencyMedicalService20038 Emergency Medical Service
FireBrigade20039 Fire Brigade
Freeport20040 Freeport
Brunnel20042 Brunnel. A bridge, tunnel or combination of both where a transport element crosses above or below another transport element
CentrePointofFeature20043 Center Point of Feature
FreewayExitAccess20044 Freeway Exit/Access
RoadNode20045 Road Node
WaterCentreLineJunction20046 Water Center Line Junction
RailwayNode20047 Railway Node
Company20048 Company
Hippodrome20051 Hippodrome, a stadium for horse shows or races
Beach20052 Beach
DrivethroughBottleShop20053 Drive-through Bottle Shop
RestaurantArea20054 Restaurant Area
Shop20056 Shop, but not a shopping center
ParkandRecreation20057 Park and Recreation
Court20058 Court
MoutainPeak20059 Mountain Peak
Opera20060 Opera
ConcertHall20061 Concert Hall
BovagGarage20062 BOVAG garage. BOVAG is a Dutch automobile association
TennisCourt20063 Tennis Court
SkatingRink20064 Skating Rink
WaterSport20065 Water Sport
MusicCentre20066 Music Center
Doctor20067 Doctor
Dentist20068 Dentist
Veterinarian20069 Veterinarian
CafePub20070 Cafe/Pub
ConventionCentre20071 Convention Center
LeisureCenter20072 Leisure Center
YachtBasin20074 Yacht Basin, or marina.
Condominium20075 Condominium
CommercialBuilding20076 Commercial Building
IndustrialBuilding20077 Industrial Building
GeneralPOI20079 General POI
BreakDownService20080 Break Down Service
VehicleEquipmentProvider20081 Vehicle Equipment Provider
IndustrialArea20082 Industrial Area
IndustrialHarborArea20083 Industrial Harbor Area
Entertainment20084 Entertainment
Abbey20085 Abbey
ArtCenter20087 Art Center
BuildingFootprintPoint20088 Building Footprint (Point)
Castle20089 Castle
FactoryGroundPhilips20092 Factory Ground Philips
Fortress20093 Fortress
HolidayArea20096 Holiday Area
Lighthouse20098 Lighthouse
NationalCemetery20099 National Cemetery
Monastery20100 Monastery
NaturalReserve20102 Natural Reserve
Prison20103 Prison
Rocks20105 Rocks
SportsHall20106 Sports Hall
StatePoliceOffice20107 State Police Office
WalkingArea20108 Walking Area
WaterMill20109 Water Mill
Windmill20110 Windmill
Rentacarparking20112 Rent-a-car parking
CarRacetrack20113 Car Racetrack
ToiletPublicAmenities20114 Toilet/Public Amenities
TrafficControlCameraLocation20115 Traffic Control Camera Location
BoatLaunchingRamp20116 Boat Launching Ramp
MountainPass20117 Mountain Pass
Playground20118 Playground
ClubsAssociations20119 Clubs & Associations
ProfessionalServices20120 Professional Services
RetailOutlet20121 Retail Outlet
TrafficLight20122 Traffic Light
PublicTransportStop20123 Public Transport Stop
AutoDealershipUsedCars20124 Auto Dealership Used Cars
BarorPub20125 Bar or Pub
ClothingStore20126 Clothing Store
ConsumerElectronicsStore20127 Consumer Electronics Store
ConvenienceStore20128 Convenience Store
Hamlet20129 Hamlet
HighwayExit20130 Highway Exit
HomeImprovementandHardwareStore20131 Home Improvement and Hardware Store
HomeSpecialtyStore20132 Home Specialty Store
IndustrialZone20133 Industrial Zone
OfficeSupplyServicesStore20135 Office Supply & Services Store
OtherAccommodation20136 Other Accommodation
SpecialtyStore20137 Specialty Store
SportingGoodsStore20138 Sporting Goods Store
CountyCouncil20139 County Council buildings.
To show only a certain type of POI on a map, consider using a PoiRenderer object.

Related articles: Map Concept.

See Also