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BalloonPushPin Class

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A PushPin with an informational balloon. The balloon may be hidden if required.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Telogis.GeoBase
Assembly: (in Version:
public class BalloonPushPin : DirectionalPushPin, 

The BalloonPushPin type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleBalloonPushPin(LatLon)
Create a new pushpin anchored at the given location. The informational balloon will contain information about the street address.
Public methodCode exampleBalloonPushPin(LatLon, Boolean)
Create a new pushpin anchored at the given location. The informational balloon will contain information about the street address.
Public methodCode exampleBalloonPushPin(String, GeocodeAddress)
Construct a new BalloonPushPin with a given name, placed at the given GeocodeAddress and displaying information about that address.
Public methodBalloonPushPin(String, ISearchSuggestion)
Construct a new BalloonPushPin with a given name, placed at the given ISearchSuggestion and displaying information about that address.
Public methodCode exampleBalloonPushPin(String, LatLon)
Construct a new BalloonPushPin with a given name, to be placed at the given LatLon. The informational balloon will contain information about the street address and will be displayed by default.
Public propertyCode exampleAddress
Gets the Address this push pin is located at.
Public propertyCode exampleAlwaysOnTop
Controls whether labels are always shown above other map elements.
(Inherited from PushPin.)
Public propertyCode exampleAnchorPoint
Gets the XY coordinates of the balloon's anchor point on the map.
Public propertyAutoAbbreviate
Gets or sets a boolean specifying whether to automatically hide the Information portion of the balloon when there is insufficient space to display it without collision.
Public propertyCode exampleBorderColor
Changes the color of the border line.
Public propertyDetectBalloonClick
Gets or sets whether clicks are registered on both the balloon and the pin, or just the pin.
Public propertyDisplayLocation
Gets the BalloonLocation for the balloon.
Public propertyHeading
Gets or sets the heading (in degrees) of this DirectionalPushPin.
(Inherited from DirectionalPushPin.)
Public propertyCode exampleIcon
Gets or sets the Icon number. See IconCache for details.
(Inherited from PushPin.)
Public propertyCode exampleInformationBackgroundColor
Changes the background color of the information block.
Public propertyLocation
Gets or sets the location (as a LatLon) of the push pin.
(Inherited from PushPin.)
Public propertyCode exampleMapMouseEventsHandler
Gets the MapMouseEventsHandler associated with this object.
Public propertyCode exampleName
Gets or sets the name of the balloon, which will appear as its title.
Public propertyCode exampleRenderFont
Changes the font used to display the text in the informational balloon. Default is 8pt Arial.
Public propertyRequiredRendermodes
Gets the RenderMode required by this BalloonPushPin.
(Overrides PushPinRequiredRendermodes.)
Public propertyCode exampleShowBalloon
Gets or sets whether the balloon will be hidden or shown. True (shown) by default.
Public propertyCode exampleShowInformation
Gets or sets whether the balloon will display its information. True (shown) by default.
Public propertyCode exampleTextColor
Changes the color of the information text.
Public propertyCode exampleTitleBackgroundColor
Changes the background color of the title block.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHitTest
On a given map, check whether the rectangular area occupied by this BalloonPushPin lies underneath the given x and y coordinates.
Public methodRender
Render push pins with the given RenderContext. See also IMapRenderer.
(Overrides DirectionalPushPinRender(Graphics, RenderContext).)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public fieldCode exampleInformation
Text to be displayed below the balloon name.
Public fieldCode examplePreferredLocation
A field representing the preferred location at which the balloon will be rendered. Default is NorthEast.
Public fieldTag
A user object containing data to associate with this PushPin.
(Inherited from PushPin.)

A BalloonPushPin appears as an information balloon anchored to a point on a map. The balloon can be given a name (such as "Some Company Ltd", the default is "PushPin") below which additional information can be displayed, such as a street address.

Both the balloon and its information (if any) are displayed by default. Use ShowBalloon and ShowInformation to modify this behavior.

When an address is known, it is strongly recommended to use BalloonPushPin(String, GeocodeAddress) to avoid a performance hit from the Reverse Geocoding, and ensure that the correct (or desired) address is used in labeling the balloon.

Related articles: Map Concept, Drill-down Geocoder Tutorial, Map Control Tutorial, Using Multiple Renderers, Render Modes in Detail.

// new balloonpushpin, centered on Telogis HQ
BalloonPushPin b = new BalloonPushPin(new LatLon(33.584086,-117.731900));

// name the balloonpushpin
b.Name = "Telogis HQ";

// if you comment this line out, the address of the balloonpushpin will instead be displayed
b.Information = "GeoBase is designed for a rapid development cycle and low deployment cost.";

// if you uncomment this line, the Information (set above) will be hidden
//b.ShowInformation = false;
See Also